And yes, I know that nobody is reading this, but that’s fine because it’s probably a bit rubbish.
Running… We (me and A) have been running regularly (“seriously”, you might say, in the entering races definition of seriously) since completing a half marathon in 2004… which is about eight years ago.
Cycling… I’ve been cycling (as an adult) off and on since about 1990 when I started commuting to the railway station in Sheffield on a daily basis. I currently seem to be developing an obsessive passion for bicycles which I (perhaps fortunately) can’t afford to indulge at the moment. A isn't really a cyclist; she didn't learn as a child, so I taught her as an adult, but it never quite 'took'. We do tandem together, and she is now planning a road bike as she wants to complete a full ironman triathlon - you should never set your sights too low.
Swimming… Following a break of about 26 years the swimming began again in 2003 (I think) encouraged by a fall from a canoe into a cold November lake. It suddenly seemed a good idea to be sure that my rusty swimming technique was brought back up to date. So we swam regularly in the pool for a while; it got really quite obsessive, learning front crawl and following the Total Immersion books for guidance and inspiration. And losing quite a bit of weight. But, surprisingly, given that icy baptism in the lake, I didn’t really start to love swimming until we started to swim outside. We signed up for the second Great North Swim in 2009 and haven’t looked back. Planning a 5K next month.
And despite what you might assume, I still haven’t entered a triathlon.
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